How to actually improve your branding?
Happy Wednesday everyone! Have you been in a situation that you worked hard on branding online, you even invested in promoting your brand, but still got no prospects getting in touch? You might be wondering what you have done wrong. Or you were even questioning about the effectiveness of online branding. We understand it! But, do not worry, we got your back. Today we are sharing three rules you can follow in terms of improving your branding. We call them “the rule of 3Cs”. Without further ado, let’s get started!
Being clear is the number one rule. In another word, confusion is branding’s number one enemy. It is very important for your prospects to understand your brand clearly in order to remember your brand. Otherwise, they will forget your brand no matter how many times they see it, or even worse, they will not want to know more about it. How do you know if your brand is being clear to your prospects? Here is a great way to evaluate. You can ask a friend who has never visited your profile or website before to visit your profile or website and answer these questions below.
What service or product does your business provide?
What problem does your service or product solve?
What is the mission of your business?
What price does your service or product cost?
If your friend can answer these questions correctly, your brand is being clear to your prospects. However, if your friend cannot answer these questions, it’s time for you fix it.
Being consistent is the second rule in terms of branding. Here are some questions you can answer to evaluate the consistency of your branding.
How often do you post on social media?
How often do you update your website?
Do you post content randomly or do you follow a pattern?
Are the fonts on your website consistent with your logo or other graphics?
What are the colors you use on your website? Are they the same colors you used on your logo?
We hope that by answering these questions, you will be able to find out how consistent you are. If you find yourself being inconsistent, it’s time for you to develop some rules or routines to follow for your branding.
Last but not least, being competent is also significant. What does being competent mean? It means that you need to show your qualification for the work. Here is a list of approaches to show it.
Post the testimonials.
Update your portfolio.
Answer the questions or provide a FAQ page on your website.
Provide valuable content - share a useful source or write a helpful blog.
If you haven’t started to show your qualification, you need to start doing it now. Helping people with your knowledge and qualification is the best branding you can do!
So, what do you think about “the rule of 3Cs”? We hope this article can help you to improve your branding! Leave a comment below to let us know your questions or thoughts! See you next Wednesday!